Our services
On the street
SAFE provides a weekly street outreach service across Birmingham to people selling sex on the streets. We’re here to listen, not to judge.
We offer a safe place to talk, and we will try our best to help you make changes if that’s what you want. However, we’re not here to tell you what to do. If you’re happy with your lifestyle, we can help you stay safe.
We visit areas of street sex work in our specially adapted van. You can get on the van for health checks and STI testing with a nurse, pick up free condoms and talk to us about any other issues.
If you think you may be pregnant, we can support you and refer you to the right services for care during pregnancy, or for termination of pregnancy, or pregnancy counselling if requested.
If you are having problems with any of the following, our workers are happy to discuss this with you, and help you find any help you may need.
- Your health
- Sexual violence
- Domestic violence
- Alcohol and drug use
- Housing
- Welfare rights
- Legal issues
If there’s nothing you need help with, you’re welcome to come and say hi, and get a drink and a biscuit.
Off-street/indoor venues and independent sex workers
Depending on the needs of the venue, we regularly visit off-street premises to provide a ”pop-up” clinic which consists of:
- sexual health testing and treatment
- contraception
- emergency contraception
- HIV testing
- hepatitis B and C testing
- pregnancy testing
- cervical screening
- free condoms, lubricants and dams
- referral to support services, including counselling
- “Ugly Mugs” information
We also help you get any other advice or services which you may need.
We can issue you a Cert B (certification of the results taken on the day) with your results for your working establishment, if required, free of charge (Certificates can only be provided once every 3 months.)
SAFE will occasionally visit with partner agencies to discuss harm reduction and safety.
We respect your privacy and will only visit as arranged and at a convenient time for you and your place of work. Any information you give will be kept confidential and not shared with any other party (including your place of work) without your consent. (There may be exceptional circumstances when we need to involve other agencies without having to ask your consent, for example if we think you or somebody else is in danger.)
Get in touch
We are always pleased to hear from sex workers who would like us to visit them. Please get in touch if you’re interested in learning more about us or if you’d like us to visit you.
Take your own samples at home and return
them to us for testing, all for free…
Service locator
Need more help? Find local GPs, clinics and pharmacies to
provide further help and support…
Free condoms
Condoms are available for free from Umbrella
clinics and pharmacies, and from some GPs.